26 February 2010

Bravissime Gelato!

OK, summer came way too early this year and I'm royally pissed because I bought a lot of coats from my fave store in HK, but I digress. So with the mercury currently hitting as high as 33C, we needed to cool off. My brothers introduced me to Gelatissimo and I've been hooked since. It's also a refreshing break from all the damn fro-yos. (By the way, adding cheesecake and brownies doesn't mean that those sinful sweets become healthy, so stop being a hypocrite) 

More after the jump.

22 February 2010

Win an OxyOasis Treatment from Clarity!

Here's how it works:

1) Head to Clarity's Facebook Page
2) Tell them what you'd do to feel like you're in an oasis.
3) Top 3 answers get a 2,500php worth of OxyOasis Treatment.

Go! Now na!
